Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.
Lunch was barren today.
I should study for my chemistry test, I don't know why he decided to test us on three chapters at one time.
I love my speakers. They may be old but they're far superior to my sister's crappy Dell ones. She can't even adjust the bass. Right now I have Radio (the song) blasting in stereo with the bass just perfect. And my mom isn't mad. Because she loves this song. In fact, I think I'll turn it up some. There, just in time for the chorus.
Alkaline Trio is still ruling itunes and the ipod. Speaking of which, the ipod needs a new name. Lennie didn't really stick. And the ipod seems so impersonal. Maybe I should name my dad's camera, too.
Does anyone else wish that certain lyrics were how you felt/how someone felt about you?
I wish I could get ahold of $5, 495 or something close to that. There's this great summer program at UC Berkeley for communications/journalism and it counts for college credit and everything. But it's so damn expensive. I need to find something to do this summer, last year was such a waste.
I think this is enough.