Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.
Today was another weird moody day that wasn't so great.
History was a low-point. To quote Tasha's lj, from her list of bad parts of the day:
"7. In History, my future crashed down before my eyes during Mrs. Hearne's speech. I might as well buy a McDonalds uniform now."Ms. Hearne certainly is a downer when it comes to college stuff, and isn't she the scholarship club thing leader? Isn't she supposed to motivate us? And what she was saying about the AP history class didn't help, but talking to the lady who teaches it did. I wish someone had said that two AP classes was enough in the first place. But at least I'll have Dwyer (I hope) who everyone likes.
There quite a few things killing me right now. Homework is one of them along with my remaining symptoms, stress, my shoulder, and a few people.
Oh, I won a 1-liter of Coke.
I finished painting my stepstool in shop.
I can't stop gritting my teeth. I don't even know why I'm so stressed, my classes are going okay and everything. I think I need a break. Too bad I can't miss even one day of class.
Normally a distraction would help, but I've been too distracted lately, I just need a break with nothing to worry about. I wish I could go camping or something. Maybe I'll get my mom to take me to the beach if there isn't a storm.
We looked at a house for rent on D-street, below All Saints. It was a cute yellow Victorian, but it was a duplex. We're too loud to be above someone. When my dad and sister argue they'd end up calling the cops, my dad's voice sounds like he's going to kill everyone and my sister sounds like someone
is killing her. But the lady also is about to rent a house right down the street from where we live now. My mom doesn't like the place though.
On another note, I wish I wasn't so afraid of rejection.