Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



Oh, and I feel special.

Another thing that made my day, I found out that someone has linked to this here blog of mine.
1 million scene points to Tommy because he's cool.

And now, I have questions.
Should I add the blogs that I read to my links list?
Would this make me part of the "blogosphere" I hear of?
If I added to the link-list, would I list the lj's, or just blogs?
Am I a big geek for doing a little dance for my first link?

So many questions...

I'm surprised you've not found others to link to you. You actually write things that are kind of fun to read.

And now, I have answers.
Yes, you should add the blogs you read, then I might get linked.
I'm not sure what makes one part of the "blogosphere". I'm looking for it.
Go for the LJs too. Even though those people have their own little world.
Dance away...
For all I know I could have a whole silent fanclub all linking to me somewhere who just don't comment. But I don't have a counter or anything, so I can't tell.
I doubt it though.

Okay then, it's decided. I'll reciprocate the linkage, along with clueing you all in to the neat blogs I've found in my travels. But, I save that for tomorrow. I need rest.

Perhaps we'll have our own blogosphere.
Thanks! Woo, two links! That was call for more dancing.

I just checked that nifty little site there and I was slightly disappointed that I have no secret fanclub. In fact, only Yahoo found links, four. Two of them were "recently updated" lists from, one was Tommy, and the last one was me because of the header now being a link to the main page.
I've had this for almost a year. But I don't mind about the hits, I write for practice. And sometimes because I think I have something particularly witty or important to say.

I should look into sitemeter.
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