Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.




Summer's almost here. And that's all I'm thinking about.
I don't want to do any work. And since I got my chemistry grade I'm all cocky and didn't even bother to finish the worksheet I turned in today, I barely looked at the study guide, and I haven't really read the three chapters we're being tested on tomorrow. But that's how I got this grade in the first place, why mess with a good thing?

And Winemiller had the nerve to imply that I let people cheat off my tests. Not tests, well, not chemistry tests. Yeah, I'll help people with the worksheets, and if we all do it right all the problems are going to look the same. In the mornings before class we go over our answers, and quite often some of them change theirs to match mine, but that's because I explained to them why I think I'm right and where they went wrong. And I never let people copy essay questions, that's just stupid, and I don't do them in the first place.
And he says someone is using me and he's having me sit somewhere else during the test tomorrow. My chemistry buddies are good people. Justin wouldn't cheat on a test, at least not without asking first, and he doesn't need to. I help Francisco with the homework sometimes and I think he got a few problems off this latest worksheet from me, but he wouldn't cheat on a test without me knowing. Then there's Giovanni, but he's at a horrible angle, and he gets this stuff and wouldn't need to cheat, I think he aced the last test. Now, unless Cecilia has eyes in the back of her head, I've ruled out everyone. Herr Winemiller, du spinnst!

I've decided that eventually I want there to be an article about me in the encyclopedia. I haven't decided what for yet. Something good though.

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