Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



The fan-club, I can't stand them.

Less than five hours of sleep again last night, so I forced myself not to nap today. No school tomorrow, that should help my internal clock reset itself.

The season finale of CSI (which I haven't watched in months) was fucking creepy. This guy was buried alive in a plexi-glass box with a webcam in it broadcasting the picture to the CSI team. Then the box started to crack and fire ants got in and covered him.
I hate ants.
Even normal ants.
Fire ants scare the shit out of me.
Plus, I'm mildly claustrophobic.
Not fun.

It seems the exhaustion is catching up to me.

Oh, before I go.
How does one go about making more friends?
Any tips?

1) Go where the kids go,the kind that you want to hang out with that is.For example if you like the goth kids, try Hot Topic or a cool music store. If you like the preppy kids (which I'm pretty sure you don't) hang out wherever the 'plaza' (where the go to flash cars and music at one another) is on the weekends.
2)A job somewhere would help you meet people there, but you have to work to do that. YUCK. I made a friend like this last year at my work. We go out regularly and she works across the street so I always have a lunch date if I need one.
3)At school, just say "Hi" to people in the hallway. If you see someone that looks interesting, smile and say it. If you do that enough, they'll respond. Plus if they say "Hi" back, you can always walk up to them later and as how it's going. I made friends like this in school...but it was elementary/middle. High School I made them in classes.
4)Same goes for non-scary people on the street.
5)Go to a different school's functions (like some sort of sporting event or something of that nature) and sit beside someone you think would be okay. If they're lame, just move.
6)If you go to concerts, talk people up there. I made a friend by sitting next to them at a 12 Stones concert.

I hope some of that helps. I've had the same set of friends (with a few exceptions) my whole life. My best friend and I were introduced by a mutual friend Freshman year in high school, and we're still BFFs or whatever you call it. Another one of my friends, I introduced to my cousin, and 6 years later, they're married.Now I've got her for life. :) It's just about trial and error.
Thanks for the advice, but I doubt I'd do any of those things.
1) I'm pretty shy around people I don't know.
2) I'm a bit of a snob.
3) It's always the creepy ones that end up talking to me at public places.

Maybe I should get a job though, or volunteer. Then I'm forced to be nice to people.
Well Jenna, you sound an awful lot like me. I don't talk to strangers because I have nothing to say and I'm shy. I've met tons of my current friends online. It's not such a bad way to go, as long as you don't care about getting a certain amount of flak from people you know already. There are all kinds of websites, I'm sure you know of a bunch of them: Friendster, MySpace, OKCupid, even HotOrNot... I've met people from all these places, some have ended up really cool. Then I discovered that the friends I've made from online have other friends who are really cool and so I've gained friends that way too.

Anyway, I wish you luck...
I am very anti-myspace. I don't know about how adults behave on there, but nearly everyone I know has a myspace and most of them go crazy with it. They post tons of silly pictures of themself and friend anyone they recognize or think is hot. The snob in me has decided it's not worth the effort to sift through the thousands of creeps and losers on there to find some cool people. Myspace is too much like highschool, I get enough of that during the weekdays.
On Friendster I believe I'd have to lie about my age, I have an account on there somewhere, and it might be hard to find other people in my age group. HotOrNot crashed my computer the one time I clicked someone's link to see what their rating was. And I've enver heard of OKCupid.

Then there's the whole thing with the parents, "I don't want you meeting random people off the internet."
My sister already ruined that, she snuck out to meet some guy off myspace, in his car, at 4 in the morning. She was brought home by the cops.

My friends have their other friends, but I have my friends from school, and that's about it. I rarely see them outside of school because I don't want to just call and say "What are you doing? Can I come?" And we're into different things anyway.
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