Okay, so you're supposed to be tagged or something to fill one of these out, but I'm really bored. So here.
Name: Jenna
Birth date: 11/28/88
Birthplace: Hayward
Current Location: Castro Valley
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: faded green, soon to be fixed
Height: 5'6"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Your heritage: European
The shoes you wore today: black cheap slip-on's w/ silver starry fabric I added
Your weakness: The internet, procrastination, the two go hand-in-hand for me
Your fears: rejection, failure
Your perfect pizza: I'd rather have a sandwich
Goal you'd like to achieve: Want to see my list?
Your most overused phrase on AIM: oh, okay, bye (not all at once)
Your first waking thoughts: Again?
Your best physical feature: I guess my eyes.
Your most missed memory: My whole family being together and happy.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, vanilla if possible
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Kangaroos
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple
Chocolate or vanilla: Swirl, best of both worlds
Cappuccino or coffee: Mocha
Smoke: No, but I smell like it. Damn parents...
Cuss: When I feel like it
Sing: Along
Take a shower everyday: Yes, mostly
Do you think you've been in love: Nope
Want to go to college: for many reasons
Liked high school: It's okay so far
Want to get married: Hope so
Believe in yourself: Yep.
Get motion sickness: Only in cars
Think you're attractive: Not stunning, but I'm happy with it.
Think you're a health freak: I wish.
Get along with your parent(s): 97%
Like thunderstorms: Absolutely
Play an instrument: I should
LAYER SIX: In the past month
Drank alcohol: No
Smoked: No
Done a drug: Advil?
Made out: No
Gone on a date: No
Gone to the mall: Yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
Eaten sushi: No
Been on stage: No
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No, I don't feel like breaking another bone
Made homeade cookies: No, but I made a cake
Gone skinny dipping: No
Dyed your hair: Yes
Stolen anything: No
You sound boring: Most of the time, yeah.
Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
If so, was it mixed company: No
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
Been caught "doing something": No
Been called a tease: No
Gotten beaten up: No
Shoplifted: I took a pencil from Walgreen's once
Changed who you were to fit in: I've watched what I said, but I don't think I ever changed to fit in.
Age you hope to be married: When I know it's right
Numbers and Names of Children: 2 or 3, I have no idea
Describe your Dream Wedding: On a beach.
How do you want to die: Old and happy, with my kids and family taken care of.
Where you want to go to college: Berkeley? Maybe somewhere smaller...
What do you want to be when you grow up: Journalist or something like it.
What country would you most like to visit: Germany
Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
Number of CDs that I own: I don't know, quite a bit
Number of piercing: One in each ear
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 1 that I know of, there was picture in another.
Number of scars on my body: Don't make me count.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Maybe 3 or 4, but I don't think I'd change them, I just don't like how they turned out.
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