Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



Smoggy sunset

Either there's a new one, or the spider is back. He's probably angry and sticky.
He's in the middle of the ceiling. Even if you could reach him with a shoe, chances are that he'd fall on the floor or your stuff. He'd most likely still be alive. Then he'd be near your feet and bed. And you don't want that. At least you've learned your lesson about spray adhesive.

He's not doing anything, leave him alone.

I don't care what anyone else says. I believe that spiders take one wiff of you and get your scent. And if they like you.. they will never stop trying to take a bite out of you.
He was gone when I woke up this morning.

Kind of scary.
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