Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.
I just thought I'd let you guys know a couple things:
-I actually got an A on that Myspace essay, my first A on an essay in that class so far. It brought my grade up, too.
-I caught the cold my dad was complaining about. So much for that hand sanitizer I was carrying around, maybe it was too old. April needs to "get" me more.
-I'm hell of excited about seeing Bright Eyes tomorrow night. I'm bringing the camera, and Lappy, so you'll see pictures immediately afterward.
-I'm actually enjoying writing this Report of Information for my Omnibus. (A "compendium of writing about the same subject", I don't know why it's called an omnibus as omnibus means bus in German.) It's about copy prevention software on CDs. I sound so professional. And I'm citing like every other sentence. Like she says, it's better to overcite than plagiarize.
I'll give you only one reply: I KNOW NOT WHO I AM. (srry, I'm all Bright Eyed at the moment.)