Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



You're all of the above.

I'm convinced that the most important thing for me to be learning in English is NOT how Queen Elizabeth used the "resources of language" to inspire her troops. Things like literary devices are kind of subconscious, aren't they? When I'm reading I can feel suspense building or confusion or racing thoughts without pointing out, "Hey! Look how that short sentence right after that long one seems to stand out! It surely is important." I can only speak for myself, but I don't think about it as I'm writing either. If I'm feeling really unfocused and my mind is racing, my run-on sentences reflect that here. I don't go back in and edit thinking, "I can't focus on a single topic, so I have to get rid of some of this and come up with something different here..."

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