Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



It's better than nothing, it's better than you can get.

Today was better than I thought it would be. I especially liked having the house to myself as I got ready for school, everyone was asleep or gone already. It made things go much quicker so I had leisure time.

(Side note: My cat just finished burying her shit in the litter box then jumped from the box onto my bed, bringing litter with her. Gross.)

I got into the class I needed at Chabot, so I can have a 4th block, now I just have to hope there's a 1st block Anatomy/Physiology class so I can keep shop 4th and all will be well and I will be foreman and I will reign over Garrett.

I had a little bump on my hand and I was picking at it while watching TV, now it's kinda swollen and it hurts. Oh, and I got to watch The Princess Bride again, my 2nd favorite movie.

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