Are you restless like me?

Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.



Joey still has my Sublime cd.

I don't want to sleep, it's too warm.
I like college, and driving.
I don't think my English teacher knows I'm 17. I don't want to be 17 anymore, it's too transitional. I realized that I don't mind change, but I hate transition. When something is going to change, I want it to happen fast. I don't want time to adjust.

Why can't summer be 10 degrees cooler? Maybe that mini ice age they talk about on Discovery channel wouldn't be so bad. But then they say that there's global warming. How can we be about to have a mini ice age when the ice caps are melting rather than growing? Silly scientists.

Thursdays are the new Fridays.

It has been too hot to sleep. I hate it. I took a nap yesterday and it just didn't feel the same. Fuck, I was still sleepy when I woke up.

I don't like being 17 either. It IS too transitional.

"How can we be about to have a mini ice age when the ice caps are melting rather than growing? Silly scientists."

I somwhow imagine a real nerdy, tiny man angry with you.

Sometimes I have a overactive imagination.
That was Lauren
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