Jenna's former blog. It will still be here, but she will not be here.
I switched my econ/gov class from Ms. Moore to Ms. Ogden, so my schedule should be final know. Moore's class felt like 8th grade all over again, but less learning and less Mrs. Bigelow talking about hitting her kids. Now I'm gonna have a bunch of homework to make up. Finally, something to do.
My shop class is filled with boys who wear too much Axe. A kid in my photography class thought I was a teacher, on the second day of class. Haypress is coming along.
I guess shit's okay. I just Like that feeling you get when there's no room at the table all your friends are at or something.
I caught the Samuel L. Jackson interview on the Daily Show, it was basically just trying to get him to say "motherfuckin' snakes" as many times as possible. I need to go see that movie.
It was weird seeing the guy who works at Safeway at school today. He didn't have an apron on. I guess he's new or something, unless Safeway hires freshmen. I do know that they've hired hell of kids from HHS, though.